Tuesday, August 19, 2008

1 month old celebration


first off, brev's cousin finally came last sunday am - august 17th at 5:45am at a whoopin - 9 lbs 7oz...he's going to be our nose guard and brev will be our wide receiver. we're SOOOO happy to have him in this big world! i believe we'll get to meet Izaak Weylon next week. Katie (his mommy) and Ry (his daddy) are doing great!!!!

brev is turning one month old tomorrow and is celebrating with a circumcision (what nice way to celebrate, huh)! brev is doing wonderful - still eating like a mad man, i can hardly keep up with his eating. i had ample flow of milk at the beginning and then when i started to breastfeed the milk supply went down so i've been doing a lot of reading as to how to keep it steady or increase. any tips, let me know!
sleeping is up and down. we had two great nights and thought he might be in a "routine" but last night he proved us wrong - up about every hour fussing...:)

we've kept him pretty darn busy the last couple of weeks...and we keep telling him, it's the hill way of life, and he's been more than willing to hop into the car seat, the bob or mom's arms and let us cart him around.

auntie kea feeding the man this past weekend...

Brev having tummy time - looks like Black and White Book is popular (thanks ang - we love it!!)

nana's birthday (matt's grandma)
coops enjoying the sun in our backyard auntie kea, brev and i at our friend's house party!

Meet Izaak Weylon Hill...(9lb and 7 oz)...just a brut! :)

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I love his nursrey! So cute! Don't you love that black and white book? Angie got one for me too and Gracie loves it. It's like baby crack!

We still haven't mastered sleeping thru the night, but Gracie has done a lot better during the day and thru the night once I got her on a semi-routine. Have you heard of the book "The Baby Whisperer"? I just checked it out of the library and it has really helped. Might want to give it a try. Of course, as soon as you think you have found the thing that works, your kiddo will prove you wrong :-) At least that's what happens with us, but this book has really helped. Good luck!